Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Created the Fabric, Now What?

In March, 2013, Connie, Linda and Nancy met at Connie's beach cabin and spent a few days painting fabric.  They decided to do a group effort on three different pieces - a colored piece in spring colors, a black on white (flora theme), and white on black (fauna theme) (see Fig. 1 - Connie's fabric).  The colored piece was painted first, with everyone moving around the work to cover the area.  When finished, it was cut into 3 equal pieces and distributed among them.  By the third work, white on black, they were all becoming "territorial" when it came to the section they knew would be theirs.  Great fun was had by all.

Connie was the first to cut into her new fabric.  She decided to use the black on white as a background for a floral arrangement, the white on black as the container and dark leaves, and other painted fabric for the floral arrangement.  Two commercial fabrics were used:  brown/white circles and dark green floral greenery.  Her work-in-progress photo shows a whole host of problems - overwhelming background, underwhelming floral arrangement, etc. (Fig. 2).  A white Gesso wash and a little more life in the floral arrangement solved the problem (Fig. 3).

           Connie's Panels-Approx. 18"x48"  (Fig. 1)
               Problems-Work-in-Progress        (Fig.2)
     Corrections- Finished Work - 16-3/4" x 25-3/4" 
                                                                    (Fig. 3)